Romi Rolbin . Teacher of Iyengar Yoga .
Welcome to my story of how I came to Iyengar Yoga and the creation of the Dipika Yoga Cards.
My name is Romi Rolbin. I live in the vibrant city of Tel Aviv, where I am a student and teacher of Iyengar Yoga.
Years of dedicated yoga practice have led me to establish the boutique Dipika Iyengar Yoga Studio in Jaffa.
I offer structured classes based on my experience and training for the Iyengar Yoga teaching certificate.
Students (on line or in person) receive individual attention, bespoke yoga sequences and the tools to build a solid
self-practice. My Iyengar Institute RIMYI approved Dipika Yoga Cards are available for all.

Each of us has our own story of why we came to yoga (or perhaps how yoga came to us) and our own reasons as to why
we continue to practice and follow this beautiful discipline and weave the practice and principles of yoga into our daily lives.
Personally, I had two accidents in two years and spent a year in hospital. I had been working as an interior designer, having qualified
in architecture and was mother to my only daughter, Eden. Once I was finally out of a wheelchair, suffering constant pain and still walking with a stick, I tried my first Iyengar yoga class.
What followed was many years of extensive learning, practicing and training as well as annual trips to Pune, India.
The RIMYI in Pune is the centre of Iyengar Yoga excellence, where teachers train and medical classes cure.
I discovered through my own healing the tremendous power Iyengar Yoga has to benefit the body and still the mind.
I first studied yoga in India with Usha Devi in 2014.
Usha Devi is a constant inspiration, having suffered two road accidents herself. Since my first feeble attempts at asanas in her famously demanding classes, she has accompanied me on my yoga journey. Her belief in me enabled my recovery and her unshakeable faith in the power of Iyengar Yoga changed my life and that of so many people.
On her recommendation I attended RIMYI in Pune, where her severe injuries had been treated by BKS Iyengar himself.
His expert book Light on Yoga is the source for the Dipika Yoga Cards, enthusiastically supported by Usha Devi throughout their creation. I often collaborate with Usha Devi during her on-line workshops, an exciting experience that my students at
Dipika Yoga Studio love to share together.
I attended medical classes at the RIMYI in Pune in 2016 and each subsequent year.
In 2019, on the full moon of Guru Purnima festival dedicated to all spiritual and academic gurus, I received my teaching certificate
from Sri Prashant S.Iyengar. I was further honoured by his written dedication for the Dipika Yoga Cards.
I began assisting in the medical classes that had so helped me.
Today, I walk unaided and the severe injuries are healed.
I still suffer with neurological and orthopaedic problems, but the Iyengar Yoga tools I gained enable
me to work according to my day-to-day mental and physical state. These adaptations mean I live the optimum life possible.
The Dipika Yoga Cards are created from my own healing experience to simplify the journey for others.
Yoga Dipika Cards are a complete yoga resource in compact form.
They show the 200+ yoga poses from Light on Yoga by B.K.S Iyengar and Yoga A Gem for Women by Geeta S. Iyengar
The illustrations come with guidance and essential information. Perfect for both practitioners and teachers,
Dipika Yoga Cards help you learn or teach how to sequence, plan classes, break down complex asanas, and much more.
I believe that my position today is one of immense privilege.
Being able to help others is deeply connected to the essence of who I am as both a teacher and student of Iyengar Yoga.
I hope you find my recovery an inspiration on your own yoga journey. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch, Romi Rolbin.